Our Music Library
Does Your music library Look Like this?
Does Your music library Look Like this?
⬇️ here is where we started ⬇️
⬇️ here is where we started ⬇️
Songs, books, and random sheets stacked on every available surface.
Songs, books, and random sheets stacked on every available surface.
Music stuffed in filing cabinets you couldn't open.
Music stuffed in filing cabinets you couldn't open.
All this in a small practice room that was too crammed with music to be usable.
All this in a small practice room that was too crammed with music to be usable.
Finding music was next-to impossible.
Finding music was next-to impossible.
Our only tools for sorting through it all was an old hand-written list of songs, our own prior knowledge of pieces we had played in past years, and pure luck in finding something that would work.
Our only tools for sorting through it all was an old hand-written list of songs, our own prior knowledge of pieces we had played in past years, and pure luck in finding something that would work.
We didn't know what we had.
We didn't know what we had.
Purchasing new songs was often easier than sorting through the old stuff. As a result, we spent nearly $2,000 - $3,000 each year on new music, only to discover later that we already had some of the songs in our library. Now we have duplicates . . .
Purchasing new songs was often easier than sorting through the old stuff. As a result, we spent nearly $2,000 - $3,000 each year on new music, only to discover later that we already had some of the songs in our library. Now we have duplicates . . .
Does any of this SOUND FAMILIAR?
Does any of this SOUND FAMILIAR?
⬇️ Then, we upgraded our library ⬇️
⬇️ Then, we upgraded our library ⬇️
First, We had to type it all in . . .
First, We had to type it all in . . .
- We used a Google Form and student aides / student volunteers with iPads to mass-enter everything into a Google Sheet.
- Using formulas in the database, we automatically searched JWPepper.com to see if a song was still in print, had audio recordings available, was on the PML, etc.
- Checking if a song was online was a great way to find spelling or other errors made during entry.
We emptied the room of all music, cabinets, and shelving.
We emptied the room of all music, cabinets, and shelving.
- It took a lot of work but we had some great kids who helped us knock it out in one afternoon. Thanks SVMS kids! 😄 You are the best!
- Music was temporarily stored in our small Band Hall -->
Then we put together our new hanging shelves.
Then we put together our new hanging shelves.
Bradford Systems is the manufacturer / parent company
They also make instrument shelves, unform/garment racks, and high-quality shelving for museums, government agencies, and universities.
Highly Recommended!!! All-Steel construction. Can be anchored to the walls and purchased in several different configurations.
printed color-coded labels came with the shelving ... for free ... forever.
printed color-coded labels came with the shelving ... for free ... forever.
- We simply sent them our typed list of songs and they sent us the labels, free of charge. (And they always will, so newly purchased songs can be easily added later.)
we had over 1,000 band arrangements in our library!
we had over 1,000 band arrangements in our library!
and It all fits in the hanging shelves now!
and It all fits in the hanging shelves now!
We can finally see everything we have and find it all much faster than ever before!
We can finally see everything we have and find it all much faster than ever before!
We chose green labels for our Christmas Music.
We organized everything by category then alphabetical by title.
Now the practice room can finally be used as a practice room! Plenty of floor space!
Marches are brown / Jazz is Purple ...